big pharma

Restoring Study 329

Restoring Study 329

Is Pfizer Being Just a Tad Hypocritical?

Or is it just the money?

I took this straight from Bobby Fiddiman’s Facebook page.  Bobby has been fighting the good fight against the pharmaceutical industry for many years.  Below his notes, I’ve added a link to a study he references.  This study shows how pharmaceutical companies hide the real results of their research.

[read more]

“A word to those who don't move in the same circles as I do.

If you want to analyse selected data for Pfizer’s trial, you will have to wait until May 2025 before you can request them. Even in 2025, Pfizer will not release the individual Case Report Forms (CRFs) from their clinical trials.  (Reference to Vaccine safety studies.)

The only time CRFs have been accessed by anyone outside of the drug industry was for a restoration study. The original study showed a popular antidepressant (Paxil) was safe and effective in children. However, after gaining access to the CRFs many years later, the restoration team found it was the complete opposite. Paxil was neither safe or effective in children, in fact it induced thoughts of self-harm and suicide and put children at risk when taking it. [see ‘Restoring Study 329’ below]

By 2025, Pfizer will have sold hundreds of millions of doses and earned billions of dollars.

You, I, the FDA, CDC, The WHO, will never be able to see the CRFs. All you will be able to access is studies in journals written, on the surface, by key opinion leaders known as experts in the field.

[This next is very important data to know when researching Big Pharma’s research.]

However, these key opinion leaders don't actually write these studies. They are drafted by PR firms hired by the drug companies. The key opinion leaders (without seeing the CRFs) just add their name to the articles, which are normally posted in medical journals. These articles are then picked up by mainstream media and touted as truth.

Drug companies claim they don't release the CRFs because of proprietary rights and patient confidentiality. Now, tell me if you think it's right that you, yourself, fill forms and have to include your medical information (whether or not you've been juiced)? Shouldn't that be confidential as well? Shouldn't you have the right not to carry papers or Apps with your medical information?

You can tout the pandemic as your excuse for compliance all you want - speak to Pfizer about it - ask them to release the CRFs - see what response they give you.

This is what you are all up against.

Don't believe me?

Research it - make me a liar.

Facebook will, no doubt add a COVID warning to this post when, in actual fact, they should be adding a Pfizer warning.

Lesson over.

~ Fid”

Restoring Study 329 - A Bit of History

The article on the other side of this link exposes how the pharmaceutical company Glaxo-SmithKline hid real research behind paid hacks calling themselves scientists. 

In the original study, called Restoring Study 329:

“In 2001, a pharmaceutical industry-conducted trial[1] published in the most prestigious American journal of child psychiatry reported that paroxetine was more effective than placebo in treating major depression in 275 adolescents. The study was conducted by the drug manufacturer in typical fashion: dozens of clinical sites were used throughout the country to recruit patients, the data were analyzed in-house by statistical employees of the company, and academic leaders in the field reviewed and revised the paper and became its authors, the first being the chairman of the department of psychiatry at Brown University …and became its authors …!"

So, the Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Brown University penned his name to the study to give it credibility?  He did not have all of the research to hand:

“The core problem is that the process for safety and effectiveness testing is left to drug manufacturers, who have a vested interest in seeing positive results, without the medical and scientific community being able to scrutinize what they are doing.”

So, knowing that the drug, Paxil, fared no better than the placebo in trials, Glaxo-SmithKline then marketed and sold the product. 

And after over 20 years on the market, Glaxo-SmithKline paid out 3 billion dollars in fines for this crap.  Rarely do all the full data on the research come to light.  And they’re not ever willingly provided by the pharmaceutical companies. 

Bobby’s argument here is that we will not be allowed to know the real research data on Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine until 2025 and that’s WAY too late if there is danger there.

The Real Problem

The real problem is that Big Pharma has a history of editing its research on drugs to show benefits and hiding or making little of harm or damages they can cause.

One of the scariest aspects with Paxil is that it is still out there. You can get it under many names: Tagonis, Eutimil, Riva-paroxetine, MeradelParoneurin… there are about another fifty.

Do your own research into how these companies do their research.  If you do this, you will not be so eager to believe your doctor or the advertising. that touts the benefits of drugs like Paxil or some of the recent products of companies like Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson.


#study329 #pfizer #glaxosmithkline #paxil #johnsonandjohnson

Posted by Marty in Blog, 0 comments
WHO Redefines ‘Herd Immunity’

WHO Redefines ‘Herd Immunity’

World Health Organization Redefines ‘Herd Immunity’

I recently noticed on Instagram that the hash tag #naturalimmunity no longer existed.  You can tag a post with that but if you try and go to it, nada.  You can’t.  It has been deleted, made gone from the Instagram world.

I then started doing some research into Herd Immunity.

During this further research, I discovered the idea of ‘Herd Immunity’ is still there.  But it has been completely redefined by The World Health Organization.

[read more]

“The World Health Organization, for reasons unknown, has suddenly changed its definition of a core conception of immunology: herd immunity … Herd immunity speaks directly, and with explanatory power, to the empirical observation that respiratory viruses are either widespread and mostly mild (common cold) or very severe and short-lived (SARS-CoV-1). The reason is that when a virus kills its host … the virus does not spread to others. The more this occurs, the less it spreads … When it happens to enough people … the virus loses its pandemic quality and becomes endemic, which is to say predictable and manageable … This is what one would call Virology/Immunology 101. It’s what you read in every textbook. It’s been taught in 9th grade cell biology for probably 80 years … And the discovery of this fascinating dynamic in cell biology is a major reason why public health became so smart in the 20th century. We kept calm. We managed viruses with medical professionals: doctor/patient relationships … Until one day, this strange institution called the World Health Organization … has suddenly decided to delete everything I just wrote from cell biology basics. It has literally changed the science in a Soviet- like way. It has removed with the delete key any mention of natural immunities from its website. It has taken the additional step of actually mischaracterizing the structure and functioning of vaccines.”

from The American Institute for Economic Research

No more Natural Immunity?

So they take the idea of natural immunity out of the definition of ‘herd immunity’ and replace it with, well, vaccines. 

This is right out of the propaganda playbook of redefining words.  George Orwell would have been proud.  (Sarcasm) This is standard practice of modern Socialist tyrants.

Why would the World Health Organization (WHO) do something like this?  Money.  Follow the money.  That part is actually pretty easy.  With the WHO pushing vaccines instead of health, who benefits?


Some of the biggest financial supporters of the World Health Organization:

GlaxoSmithKline: over $7 million in 2017

Bayer AG: Over $1 million in 2017

Hoffman - La Roche: (Swiss Pharmaceutical) $2.6 million

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: $23 million

These people and companies make many times more than this back.  It’s been an excellent investment.  The pharmaceutical companies the Gates Foundation have made billions from vaccines.   

Another short quote from same article above:

“This change at WHO ignores and even wipes out 100 years of medical advances in virology, immunology and epidemiology.  It is thoroughly unscientific - shilling for the vaccine industry in exactly the way the conspiracy theorists say that WHO has been doing since the beginning of this pandemic. 
What’s even stranger is the claim that vaccine protects people from a virus rather than exposing them to it.  What’s amazing about this claim is that a vaccine works precisely by firing up the immune system through exposure … this has been known for centuries.  There is simply no way for medical science completely to replace the human immune system.  It can only game it via what used to be called inoculation.”

So, If definitions and 'facts' can be so easily changed online, perhaps it is time for us to go back to actual books for research! 


Here are the 'before' and 'after' definitions of Herd Immunity from The World Health Organization website:

Before the definition was changed this was the definition of Herd Immunity on their website:

‘Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.’

It should be noted that “immunity developed through previous infection” is the way it’s worked since humans have been alive. Apparently, according to WHO, that’s no longer the case. In October 2020, here’s their updated definition of herd immunity, which is now a “concept used for vaccination”:

This is the NEW definition per The World Health Organization:

“Herd immunity”, also known as “population immunity”, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it. Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as “antibodies”, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease but—crucially—vaccines work without making us sick. Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question and passing it on, breaking any chains of transmission. Visit our webpage on COVID-19 and vaccines for more detail. With herd immunity, the vast majority of a population are vaccinated … lowering the … overall amount of virus able to spread in the whole population. As a result, not every single person needs to be vaccinated to be protected, which helps ensure vulnerable groups who cannot get vaccinated are kept safe. This is called herd immunity.… The percentage of people who need to have antibodies in order to achieve herd immunity against a particular disease varies with each disease. For example, herd immunity against measles requires 95% of a population to be vaccinated. The remaining 5% will be protected by the fact that measles will not spread among those who are vaccinated. For polio, the threshold is about 80%. Achieving herd immunity with safe and effective vaccines makes diseases rarer and saves lives."

From the book: Truth About Covid by Dr Joseph Mercola

Completely different definitions. 

No more natural immunity in the newer definition!  Oops.

Add to the fact that Vaccine companies (read pharmaceutical companies) have been, for years, exempt from liabilities. They cannot be sued for any damages caused by vaccines. In the USA any lawsuits related to vaccines are defended by the Department of Justice and in the rare instance there is a payout, the money comes from taxpayers, not Big Pharma. 

Millions upon millions of dollars have gone into lobbying for laws and creating propaganda to make vaccines the solution instead of natural immunity.[/read]

Hippocratic Oath 

#herdimmunity #natural #immunity #worldhealthorganization #WHO #redefinitionofwords

Posted by Marty in Blog, 0 comments
Iatrogenic Deaths

Iatrogenic Deaths

Iatrogenic Deaths (Death By Doctor)

We put far too much faith in doctors.  Doctors have become our gods.  I’ve never been one to put trust in another for my well being.  I know people my age that are taking a dozen or more drugs to keep them going.  And perfectly healthy individuals that are not.  What is the difference? 

There is this inherent belief that ‘modern medicine’ extended the life span of people in our civilization.  Looking a little more closely at the USA shows that it is likely one of the unhealthiest countries in the world even though they spend the most on health care per capita.  I think it places 37th on the world stage in the list of healthiest to unhealthiest countries.  There are several third world countries that rate much higher than the USA.

Is our trust misplaced? 

Are doctors doing more harm than good? Let’s take a look:

Definition: Iatrogenic deaths: deaths caused by the medical field

This definition has been around since at least some time in the 1940s. 

Iatrogenic inpatient deaths in 2015 were 225,000 in the USA. 

If one factors in: adverse drug reactions, medical error, bedsores, infection, malnutrition, outpatients, unnecessary procedures, surgery related deaths, (caused by doctors) then the number goes up to 783,936.  Some websites put the total figure at 999,000.  That is just in the USA.

At 225,000, iatrogenic inpatient deaths is the third largest cause in the US .  Putting it in third place after Heart Disease and Cancer.  If you factor in the other ‘errors’, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, it puts iatrogenic deaths (death by doctor) at number one! - the largest cause of death in the USA!

My father was a doctor in India for over thirty years, from the early 1960s to the mid 1990s.  He gave his life for this and did it for free.  Near the end he told me that because of the pharmaceutical industry and their lack of ethics, he didn’t know if, in the end, he had helped or harmed more people.  That is a pretty damning statement for someone as educated and dedicated as my father. 

Another friend, a doctor, that lives in a upper class area of a city in Ontario, Canada, told me this story:  A new, younger doctor opened up an office in the same town.  They became acquaintances.  This new doctor was altruistic and didn’t like handing out drugs for every little ailment.  If someone came to him with a cold or something similar asking for a drug, he told them that if they took the drug, the cold would go away in about 10 days.  On the other hand, if they didn’t take the drug, the cold would go away in about 10 days.  This doctor packed his bags and moved away within a year.  People just wanted their drugs, so they went to a doctor that would give them what they wanted.  This was back in the 1990s - it is much worse now. 

I’m involved with a group that does drug education lectures.  A lot of kids ask about medical drugs.  We tell them to ask questions.  Many doctors over prescribe.  Sometimes a seriously addictive opioid will be prescribed for a mild pain or for someone that it having a little trouble sleeping because of a strain.  When we were kids and had our tonsils out, we got ice cream not Oxycontin. 

But doctors are worshipped as gods.  People don’t ask questions. 

Here is an analogy you might get:

A friend of mine had a quote for his car recently.  Engine rebuild: $6000.  Another place: $4000.  Knowing that the industry was not always the most honest, he went to small shop that a friend recommended as trustworthy.  Two days later and $600 instead of $6000, (no rebuild necessary) his car was running perfectly. 

Most people will ask questions of their plumber or contractor.  But their doctor, no!  Doctors are believed to be infallible, not to be questioned.

Is your doctor too quick to prescribe prescribe prozac when you should get off sugar and get some exercise and sleep?

The medics are the ones telling the governments of the world how people should protect themselves against disease.  In the US alone in one year the medical field has caused double the number of deaths vs those for Covid-19. 

Iatrogenic Death Comparison

Your Medical Detective

How does this hypnotic effect of doctors come about?

Historically, doctors, in various incarnations have been sometimes kindly old rascals and sometimes the equivalent of witch doctors.  Either way there has always been a somewhat blind trust because sickness and its causes were usually invisible and whether it was a witch doctor or a kindly family doctor from the 1800s or the 1950s, they seemed to be able to understand these mysteries. 

And who, now controls the medical industry? Or education? Or the end users? 

Does Big Pharma control the education of our doctors

In a great article from Global News (Canada), Laura Hensley tracks Big Pharma's influence on Universities.  Here is a list of donations from pharmaceutical companies.  These are research grants from 1995 to 2004 to University of Toronto.

Apotex Inc.: $2,875,077 (1995 to 2004)

GlaxoSmithKline: $4,566,930 (1994-2020)

Janssen Inc.: $1,642,998 (2014-2019)

Bristol-Myers: $229,930 (2001-2005)

Allergan Inc.: $272,697

This is just a small part of donations to just one University in one city.  Any donations that are outside research are not included here.  This is one school.  Could this influence what is taught in those schools?

And then, who controls the media?  And thus, the end users? How many pharmaceutical ads do you see in women’s magazines.  How many articles in these and other magazines on various types of ‘mental issues’? 

Here is another article from Freedom Magazine on how the pharmaceutical industry shifted to direct consumer advertising.  The article could be called “Who Won the War On Drugs?”

Big Pharma did not always do this.  But because of this consumers now often self diagnose and demand certain drugs from their doctors.  But if you are reading this, you are likely not one of these individuals. 


Here is a another article that includes how much the pharmaceutical industry spends on advertising.

From Emory Law:

"Americans are barraged by an endless flow of ads that claim to remedy medical maladies with prescribed drugs. The commercials depict productive and happy lives, with suggestive associations that human flourishing can be achieved via pharmaceutical intervention. The appeals are accompanied by an exhaustive inventory of potentially negative life-altering side effects."

So, the pharmaceutical industry controls to a large degree education and it pretty much completely controls the media through advertising.  You are unlikely to see an exposé in a women’s magazine on Big Pharma.  They are not going to bite the hand that feeds them. 

So, as a result of all this we have an industry that continues to kill more people than heart disease and cancer put together.  And when there is a problem, they just throw money at it.  And I haven’t even touched on how Big Pharma influences government to keep this machine rolling. 

#iatrogenic #iatrogenicdeaths #iatrogenicillness #cancer #heartdisease #deathbydoctor #bigpharma  #laurahensley  #pharmaceutical

Posted by Marty in Blog, 5 comments
Why I Don’t Trust Big Pharma

Why I Don’t Trust Big Pharma

Trust Big Pharma? I Don’t Think So!

Here are a few reasons why I don't trust the pharmaceutical industry

Opioid Crisis

The damage to society from opioids is something that is not in question.  In an article on

“Measuring the impact of the opioid overdose epidemic on life expectancy at birth in Canada” shows that in the USA and also in British Columbia “a decrease in life expectancy due to opioid drug overdose deaths.”

In researching it was difficult to find individuals that were more interested in curtailing the production or addressing the causes of the epidemic.  Most of the articles that I can find speak of making it safe for addicts to do the drugs: “Harm reduction.”

This article reviews a book called:

Overdose Heartbreak and Hope in Canada’s Opioid Crisis
by Benjamin Perrin, professor at University of BC

“From all of the information put forth in the book, Perrin makes a hard case that safe consumption sites are the answer. Getting people the support they need, giving them access to safe places to use drugs with people there to help if they need it. These sites are there to connect people to services and support. Perrin puts forth a strong argument to stop criminalizing people who use drugs, and how this would positively impact all levels of society, those who are taking the drugs and those who deal with the fallout from the illicit drug trade. Perrin also takes a hard look at the evidence for and against the decriminalization of all drugs, with Portugal giving some insight into how the strategy can play out. “
Heartbreak and Hope

This, as a solution, doesn’t really do anything to help the fact that there is a crisis. This solution, in no way prevents or slows the increase of people starting and using these deadly drugs.  All this will do is increase the burden of society to support more and more drug addicts and their habit.  I understand that many of these people, if not the majority, are not ‘street people’ and became addicted somewhat accidentally.  So, let’s take this back a bit.  When we were young and had a bone set or tonsils out, we weren’t prescribed opiates.  After tonsils being removed, one got a little extra ice cream to soothe the throat.  For the mending bone in an arm, say, one was instructed to be careful not to sleep on it.  I had a greenstick fracture of my radius at age 14.  Knocked out at the hospital to straighten it.  That was it.  I may have slept a little extra the first couple of days.  Then I was out playing and going to school.  Too busy to notice the pain, I guess.

This would be one of the first things one would think to do:

British Columbia Opioid Lawsuit

“B.C. sues opioid makers for 'negligence and corruption' about addiction risks”

“B.C. Attorney General David Eby spoke of the "terrible toll" opioid addiction has taken on many British Columbians and their families as he announced a lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies to reclaim costs associated with the ongoing opioid crisis.”

Purdue Pharma, the manufacturer of Oxycontin claims that it is not their fault, they claim no wrongdoing.

Simon Fraser University drug policy researcher Donald MacPherson: “MacPherson said the government should be working on providing a clean supply of opioids for people with addictions if it wants to stop the overdose crisis.”

Supplying ‘clean’ opioids to addicts will do nothing to prevent more and more people from becoming addicted.

And from the Globe & Mail:

There are doctors out there that would like to limit patients’ use of opioids, bring these patients off the drugs slowly, recommending other solutions or less addictive drugs for pain.  But complaints and demands from certain public, and I’m sure influence from Big Pharma leads to this:

“British Columbia doctors treating patients with chronic pain will be required to prescribe opioids without limiting dosage or refusing to see patients who are on the medication that has come to be associated with illicit overdose deaths.” The Globe & Mail



In 2010, “It [methadone] accounted for 39.8% of single-drug OPR deaths.” (OPR - Opioid Pain Reliever)

Figure 3. National Drug Overdose Deaths Involving Any Opioid—Number Among All Ages, by Gender, 1999-2018. The figure above is a bar and line graph showing the total number of U.S. overdose deaths involving any opioid from 1999 to 2018. Any opioid includes prescription opioids (and methadone), heroin and other synthetic narcotics (mainly fentanyl or fentanyl analogs). Opioid-involved overdose deaths rose from 21,088 in 2010 to 47,600 in 2017”

Above you will see this graph from the CDC website that shows increase from 8,048  in 1999 to 49,068 deaths in 2017.  Not sure if these deaths include methadone.  Either way this is a 600% increase in deaths in that time.  Add in the data below, the unclassified opioid deaths, it will be a lot higher.

“Using this information, the team estimates that 72 per cent of unclassified overdose deaths involved opioids. This finding suggests that 99,160 more people in the US have died from opioid overdoses than previously thought, an underestimate of 28 per cent. According to these new results, a total of more than 450,000 people in the US have died from an opioid overdose since 1999.”

This epidemic has been created by the pharmaceutical industry, one of the biggest culprits being Purdue Pharma owned by the Sackler Family.  They still think they have done nothing wrong. If fact they are now producing “millions of doses of lifesaving opioid overdose reversal medications.” So, this family is responsible for the murder of thousands and destroyed families beyond measure, and they now make money from the medications to fix it!! 

No small wonder that I don’t trust the pharmaceutical industry

Add in the deaths resulting from prescription drugs and the total per the CDC is 70,237 in 2017.

But from a study by Donald Light, who is a professor of comparative health policy at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Stratford, New Jersey:

“Estimates dating back nearly two decades put the number at 100,000 or more deaths annually, which includes a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 that projected 106,000 deaths. A more recent analysis estimates 128,000 Americans die each year as a result of taking medications as prescribed – or nearly five times the number of people killed by overdosing on prescription painkillers and heroin."


‘ “Donald Light, a medical and economic sociologist and lead author of a 2013 paper that detailed the estimate, entitled “Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs.” “About 2,460 people per week are estimated to die from drugs that were properly prescribed, and that’s based on detailed chart reviews of hospitalized patients,” ‘

That’s 2013.  Times 52 weeks.  That’s about 128,000 deaths per year.  Numbers now, in 2020, would be much higher.

Add that to the 70,000 plus deaths from Opioids and other overdoses and you have a total of about 200,000 deaths per year directly resulting from carelessness and neglect of the pharmaceutical industry. 

And these numbers are just in the USA. 

Again, no small wonder I don’t trust the pharmaceutical industry

This leads me to another so called controversial subject: vaccines.  In 1986 a law was passed preventing Big Pharma from being sued directly. (The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act)  A ‘committee’ was set up where complaintants (usually parents of vaccine damaged children) could present their case.  The lawyers that represent the defendants are Justice Department lawyers.  Any money awarded is paid by the US Government (read: taxpayers).  There is no jury and one person adjudicates. 

Per, as of 2018, $4.2 Billion has been paid out to families of children damaged by vaccines.  Parents of the children affected are

how to end autism epidemic

much more likely to get compensation if they don’t mention autism.  There is an excellent book on the history of this mess written by J B Handley, called ‘“How to End the Autism Epidemic”.

(Note: As the Pharmaceutical Industry is protected by the The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, the money paid out comes from the US Government. Taxpayer’s money.)

Austism has gone from 1 in 10,000 in the 1960s/1970s to 1 in 36 in 2018.  The numbers started to jump dramatically when Big Pharma became protected with the passing of the aforementioned law. at the same time increasing the vaccine rollout exponentially.   

Every baby today is given about 72 doses of 16 vaccines (per CDC).  In the 1960s and 1970s one received about 3-5 doses of vaccines.  These numbers vary slightly depending on where you look but the point is starting in 1986 with the passing of the The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act they increased by a factor of about 12. 

The pharmaceutical industry has yet to admit any wrongdoing with regard to vaccines and autism. 


Who controls the narrative?  I mean, who decides what you hear on the radio? What articles will you see in newspapers? What is going to get pushed in the 6 o’clock news. 

Per the Periscope Group 

“70% Of News Advertising Now Belongs to Big Pharma”

Media owners and editors are rarely going to bite the hand that feeds them.   

“Are you still going on about that, that science is done! There is no proof of that! That’s a conspiracy theory.” - That is what you will hear if you try to counter Big Pharma’s narrative.

There is lots of information out there. But the majority of people will not do their own research, will unwarrantedly trust the media, doctors and researchers that are paid by pharmaceutical companies. 

As you can see earlier in the article by some of the links, that much of the information available is on government websites.  Not that difficult to find if you know where to look and are willing to look

So, you can see that maybe, just maybe, there are some very good reasons to NOT trust the pharmaceutical industry and their supporters.


Posted by greymouser in Blog, 0 comments
The War On Terror

The War On Terror

The War On Terror

When there is a terrorist attack, why would you, or anyone, talk about or forward their message?  

With domestic terrorism or global terrorism, who are the real casualties?

I believe that one of the best ways of combating terrorism is to not talk about it.  Lately, it seems, though, social media and terrorism go hand in hand.  If terrorists had no way of creating fear in the hearts of many, I’m quite certain they would not be so active.  

This from Encyclopedia Britannica:

“The goal of terrorism generally is to destroy the public’s sense of security in the places most familiar to them. … and that terrorist acts are intended to create an overwhelming sense of fear.”

Every time you talk about an incident that occurred, every time you forward some news article, you let the terrorists win.  

The Media and Terrorism ... or Suicides ‘R Us

There are a couple of places where suicides are known to occur in volume.  One is on subway lines around the world and another is a place like Niagara Falls.  People jump in front of trains and people jump into the Falls.  These suicides used to be sensationalized in the press.  This was stopped in most places as this type of media coverage normally resulted in an increase of suicide attempts.  Usually a spike after any media attention.  With less media attention, they still occur but to a much lesser extent.  

If you knew that as a result of your promoting that someone jumped over Niagara Falls and committed suicide resulting in three other people doing the same thing, hopefully, you would feel somewhat guilty and not promote this thing any more.  The media did stop, or at least put this type of news on page 23 and the number of suicides went down.  

The same could be predicted for the war on terror.  A terrorist attack that no one hears about is just some idiot killing people.  If they are not creating a climate of fear and worry, if they are not alarming populations as a whole, then the terrorists are not winning.  

Domestic Terrorism in the US of A

There are many examples of domestic terrorism in the US, but by far the most prevalent and obvious is the recent school shootings.  And not so recent. There have been a lot over the years.  

You may realize where I’m going with this…

If you insist on telling everyone on Facebook, Twitter or other social media how sorry and concerned you are about the shooting in whatever school then you are feeding the frenzy.  You are doing exactly what they want. You are forwarding the fear and  feeding the terror.  

If you say on Facebook that your heart goes out to all those in Texas for some tragedy, I honestly believe that is a useless bit of sympathy.  No one in Texas is going to read your post.  

For every Tweet and Facebook post about some terrorist attack, whether it be a  bombing in Paris or the Columbine Massacre one is just forwarding the terrorists message and creating fear and upset. 

The media’s mantra ‘the people need to know’ is simply put just bullshit.  That is just an excuse to spread and create a feeling that the world is a horrible place. Years ago someone coined the phrase ‘merchants of chaos’ as a moniker for the media.  I think this is quite appropriate.

Big Pharma - The Real Terrorists

The media is pretty much controlled by the advertising companies.  If you disagree, just try and get an article attacking Big Pharma in a woman’s magazine. Any pharmaceutical company is going to love these terrorist attacks in schools.  The upset that occurs I’m sure drives their drug sales out the roof.  They are going to milk this for all it’s worth.  

If you really want to calm things down and fight terrorism, then don’t give in to it.  Don’t forward the fear.  90% of the people in the USA would not even consider not talking about this.  They will believe the media.  They will feel that it needs to be talked about.  They will feel that posting on Facebook, Twitter and other social media is going to help.

I ask you how?  How is this going to help.  You are upset about it and now you are going to upset all your friends?  How does that make a safer environment?  Please tell me how that is good and beneficial. 

So, I would propose that the real cause of the increase in school shootings is social media. Twitter, Facebook and the like.   The media in general has been feeding terrorism for years and years.  Guns are a factor.  Psychiatric mood altering drugs  and street drugs are also undoubtedly a factor.  But for the surge over the last few years of these domestic terrorists (school shootings), I can only thank (or blame) social media.  Or the people using social media to stir up fear and alarm in others.  

So, just stop!  If you are fearful and alarmed and need to talk to someone, then talk to one person, don’t create fear and alarm in 10 or 20.  As far as I’m concerned as soon as you do that you are partnered with the school shooter or the Paris bomber.  

So, just stop!

Posted by greymouser in Blog, Terrorism, 0 comments