
Chemical Balance of Your Immune System

Chemical Balance of Your Immune System

Dr. Zach Bush and Your Immune System

When discussing mental or physical illness, health and nutrition cannot be overlooked.  Many physicians are much too anxious to write a prescription for the least ailment.  A sore knee and out comes the prescription pad for Oxycontin.  A teen-age break up with a girlfriend or boyfriend and out comes the prescription pad for an anti-depressant

These drugs and many like them may give temporary release from mental or physical anguish.  The long term and addictive effects can be brutal.  Much of what we are experiencing, particularly in North America, are harmful toxins that are constantly put into our bodies via the foods that we eat and drink and the stale air that we breathe.  These things can all too easily affect our moods and how we handle the stress of life.    

Numerous doctors and psychiatrists over the years have looked for other ways than drugs to help their patients alleviate various mental conditions.  The late Dr Sydney Walker, in his book, A Dose of Sanity, insists that he could find the physical source for whatever mental issue was manifesting.  He was extremely successful in this regard. 

The insistence of some that there is a chemical imbalance in the brain causing illnesses like depression and bipolar issues has yet to be proven.  There exists no research validating this idea.

So, what then?  How does our immune system affect our mental health?  And how do the chemicals in our environment affect our immune system?

Below is a excerpt from and link to Dr. Zach Bush’s website.  This section is titled ‘The Innate Immune System’.   Read through the articles and watch the video.  There is a lot of information in this section of his website.  Going through this material will give you a greater understanding as to how the microbes in your environment can benefit your health.  How you can revitalize your physical and thus your mental health. 

Global Health Initiative: Innate Immune Health

"During this most extreme collapse of human health in our history, we have made a startling discovery: human cells are not at the center of human health. Instead, it’s the cells within our microbiome, functioning as the life-giving soil within our gut and internal organs, which is at the core. The microbiome guides human health and is one of the most important contributors to the functioning of our immune system."
- Dr Zach Bush

Posted by Marty, 0 comments
The Myth of the Chemical Imbalance in Your Brain

The Myth of the Chemical Imbalance in Your Brain

Every year or two, one sees in the media somewhere headlines akin to this:

“Scientists on the verge of confirming brain chemical imbalance causing depression!”  

Or some such trite.  Or they will make the wording such that one thinks it is a done deal when, really, there never has been any confirmation or proof.  But by wording these headlines a certain way and making sure it comes from multiple sources, it becomes ‘TRUTH’ (but really nothing but an Urban Legend).

I’ll send you $100.00 if you send me hard evidence that there is scientific evidence of chemical imbalance causing depression.

Even the online magazine “Psychology Today” discounts the theory of Chemical Imbalance.

This quote from an article in the above magazine by Mark L Ruffalo:

Having practiced psychotherapy now for nearly a decade, I continue to be amazed by the number of patients who come in and claim to have a chemical imbalance in their brain. Not only is the chemical imbalance theory of mental disorder unsubstantiated by any empirical research, but it has also been widely and publicly refuted by a number of prominent psychiatrists, like Allen Frances and Ronald Pies above. In fact, I have found that the most militant proponents of the chemical imbalance idea to be nonpsychiatrists—like social workers and clinical psychologists—who cling to the theory as a way of validating their status as "health professionals.”

Psychology Today - Chemical Imbalance

My favourite line this article is this:

“The chemical imbalance theory offers something else, however, and that is the opportunity for the psychiatric patient to limit responsibility for his condition.”

If a person has some ‘condition’ that is ‘not their fault’, then it justifies all sorts of things.  Do drugs with impunity.  “I have a physical ailment that I have to take drugs for.”

Who promotes this sort of thing?  Who benefits from this?  This basic idea of “I’m not responsible.” allows people to be on drugs at the workplace costing a country like the US of A billions of wasted dollars. Between the money that goes into the pockets of Big Pharma and the inefficiency caused by so many people doing drugs, I think if the terrorists were smart, they would let American just destroy itself.  If these terrorists that the American government was so worried about would just finance broader application and use of drugs for depression and help finance marketing of the ‘Chemical Imbalance’  idea, then they(the terrorists) could just sit back and watch the country die.

Big Pharma is way more effective at destroying and terrorizing the USA than the Al Qaeda will ever be.

Posted by greymouser
Is Psychiatry used as a terrorist tactic or tool for government control of populations?

Is Psychiatry used as a terrorist tactic or tool for government control of populations?

Is Psychiatry used as a terrorist tactic or tool for government control of populations?

An argument could easily be made for the above statement.  Many of earth’s governments, since before WW II have overtly used psychiatric torture techniques to control and incarcerate populations.

Here is a quote from one of psychiatry’s very own websites on how psychiatrists functioned at the behest of the Nazi government through the Second World War:


“The professional status of psychiatrists did not place any obstacle to their participation in Nazi crimes, and many demonstrated a profound commitment to the atrocities. Psychiatrists were instrumental in instituting a system of identifying, notifying, transporting, and killing hundreds of thousands of mentally ill and "racially and cognitively compromised" individuals in settings ranging from centralized psychiatric hospitals to prisons and death camps. Their role was central and critical to the success of Nazi policy, plans, and principles.”

The above is not general public knowledge, you will not find this information promoted in mainstream media. Too much advertising money keeps media publications, online and elsewhere afloat - advertising money paid by the pharmaceutical industry which has a very high interest in seeing the continuance of the cult of psychiatry.

In this Wikipedia article one can see how psychiatry has often been used as a political tool in lieu of or preferably to bypass a legal system to incarcerate dissidents.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry  “By adjusting the definitions of mental disorders to the residing governments preferences, they can then put someone away for a definite or indefinite period of time without legal recourse.  Using psychiatric torture techniques, such as ECT, drugs, a lobotomy or a leukotomy, they can essentially shut someone up forever.”

Talk to pretty much anyone in this ‘dumbed down America” and they will accept without question that these techniques have been oft used in the past in such places as Nazi Germany and the old Soviet Union.  There are a myriad of books and movies that show the history of these barbaric techniques being used in these places.  But these are stories of historical movies aren’t they?

Guess what? These horrific, terror tactics are still being used to this day.  In a small country like Canada with a population of 30+ million ECT is used 75,000 times per year.

A minimum of 200,000 people are FORCED into ECT treatment per year in the USA alone.  Yes, I said FORCED!  There never has been evidence of any benefit of this barbaric treatment.  To the contrary, there much to discredit ECT as very harmful and destructive.  It certainly would instil terror in me if I was forced to receive it.

So the next step here we have the “pot sorta calling the kettle black”.  The government of the US of A has been promoting its ‘War on Terrorism’ for the last 16 years.  (Since 9/11)

At the end of the Second World War, parts of the American government were somewhat enamoured of the torture techniques that Adolf Hitler had employed using his psychiatrists.  They certainly didn’t want all these wonderful years of research(and devastation) to go to waste.  So, many of these wonderful people(psychiatrists) were brought to the US of A to work for the CIA.

In the 1950s the CIA ran an operation called MK-Ultra - using LSD and other torture techniques, including ECT, for mind control experiments:


“The Macy Foundation's chief LSD executive, {{Harold Abramson, }} was a psychiatric researcher at Columbia University and at the eugenics center in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York. It was Abramson who first “turned on” Frank Fremont-Smith. Abramson also gave LSD for the first time to British anthropologist Gregory Bateson, sometime husband of Margaret Mead. Then in 1959, Bateson gave LSD to Beat poet Alan Ginsburg at Stanford University, under controlled experimental conditions. Following this, Dr. Leo Hollister at Stanford gave LSD to mental patient turned author Ken Kesey and others, and thus it was said to have spread “out of the CIA's realm.”

This is interesting as most people in the 60s had no idea at the time that this whole LSD thing originated with the CIA.  Some of my compatriots at the time thought Ken Kesey was a god.  Turns out he was just a crazy man.  Even the CIA knew that thee drugs did way more damage to the mind than good.

Here is a little blurb on what the CIA was trying to do in in 1950:

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda

"Project BLUEBIRD was approved by the director of the CIA on April 20, 1950. In a 1951 memo, [11] Bluebird states that practical research was to be conducted to include these specific problems:

•Can we create by post-H [hypnotic] control an action contrary to an individual’s basic moral principles
•Can we in a matter of an hour, two hours, one day, etc., induce an H condition in an unwilling subject to such an extent that he will perform an act for our benefit?
•Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour or two by post-H control have him crash an airplane, wreck a train, etc.?
•Can we by H and SI [sleep inducing] techniques force a subject to travel long distances, commit specified acts and return to us or bring documents or materials?
•Can we guarantee total amnesia under any and all conditions?
•Can we “alter” a person’s personality?
•Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing agents and then transfer that control to untrained agency agents in the field by use of codes or identifying signs?
•How can sodium A or P or any other sleep inducing agent be best concealed in a normal item, such as candy, cigarettes, coffee, tea, beer, medicines? [12] NB 13, 14, BB 23"

Years later there were some lawsuits - these were made public - by the people that were subjected to some of the MK-ULTRA experiments. So, these things were carried on as experiments.

Makes one wonder doesn’t it - did the CIA or whatever government agency would do this - did they just get more secretive? Look at people like Sirhan Sirhan (shot Robert Kennedy) - if these experiments were even minutely successful, then it would not be too far fetched to believe that he was controlled by the CIA in a Manchurian Candidate sort of way.

The problem with this is that most people are good and don’t believe there is that much bad in the world.  They just can’t believe that anyone could be that evil. They will watch a movie with some nasty ass bad guy but there is no connection to real life. Most people - not all - will really believe that there is no way.

Easy to shake this off as: “Oh, that is just a conspiracy theory.  You are seeing Martians.”  That would be fine except for the fact that the documents above are from the government that purports to be taking care of you.  It is not secret that psychiatric techniques have been used for torture in oppressive regimes over the last 70-80 years.  The evidence is there.  Very few people will disagree with this. They just done believe it is still going on and that their own government could be part of something so evil.

Any government that has the intention of keeping its population oppressed such as Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and many other contemporary regimes such as the US of A is very happy, ecstatic in fact, to see the whites fighting the blacks, the gays fighting the straights - as long as everyone is fighting each other they won’t see the stuff that psychiatry is really doing at the behest of the government.

I have intentionally left a few things for you to research.  Bottom line though, is, you take the fangs out of the cult of psychiatry and you will have a much calmer society.

Posted by greymouser

Non-conformity and Drugs

The first time I really read anything about the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM) was reading a book called “A Dose of Sanity” by the late Sydney Walker, Jr.  He was a psychiatrist that was completely disgusted with the laziness of doctors and psychiatrists and the abuse of the pharmaceutical industry.  He gave examples where he found brain tumors where the person was recommended mood altering drugs because the medical practitioner would not take the time to diagnose properly.  

And now it just keeps getting worse with the latest edition of witchcraft and wizards potions: DSM-V

This from Wikipedia:

“Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a childhood disorder described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as an ongoing pattern of anger-guided disobedience, hostility, and defiant behavior toward authority figures which goes beyond the bounds of normal childhood behavior. Children suffering from this disorder may appear very stubborn and often angry.”

This is a bit frightening.  Someone mistreating a child just has to send for the drugs to keep them from fighting back. 

This is a decent article on “oppositional defiant disorder”:
The Mind Unleashed

Many people that are unable to confront the evil that does exist in this world will not believe this will be used by politicians to control populations.  But history proves that it will time and again.  I believe that people are mostly good and because of this they tend to hope or believe that nothing will get that bad.  Just remember the ‘frog in the pan’.  

Posted by greymouser