
Psychiatry’s Grand Confession

If you have ever thought drugs were to be any help for depression, here is an article with at great confession by the perpetrators and profiteers of some of them.

Psychiatry’s Grand Confession

Posted on January 23, 2012 by RSS

The psychiatric profession has finally come clean and confessed on a national media outlet that there is no evidence to support the Serotonin Theory of Depression. Today, on NPR’s Morning Edition there is a segment about the chemical imbalance theory, and virtually all the psychiatrists who are interviewed acknowledge that the there was never any evidence in support of the idea that low serotonin causes depression. But then, amazingly, they go on to say that it is perfectly fine to tell patients that serotonin imbalance causes depression even though they know this isn’t the case.(more)

Posted by greymouser in Psychiatrists

Teen Screening – Put your kids on drugs?

When my kids were growing up I wanted them to make decisions for themselves.  I was well aware that I could not always be there for them and at some point in life they would move out and be on their own.  At that point they would not have one of their parents telling them if they were doing something right or wrong or correcting them etc.  They had to learn judgement and to make their own mistakes.  As parents we helped them but we also wanted them to be ‘self’ determined.

Teen screening is a marketing campaign by the pharmaceutical industry.  Being a teenager is about learning and there can be some stress involved.  The stress of exams and peer pressure.  Learning that all relationships do not always work out.  The mind is an amazing thing and can work out pretty much any problem or situation if applied.  Taking a drug because one  is depressed or not feeling perfect is only going to dull the mind and make it less effective.

Here is a website with more information on Teen Screening:
It has some great information on the subject.

They are your children and you do not have to put them on drugs no matter what the school board or ‘system’ says.

Posted by greymouser in Big Pharma

How do you deal with Depression?

At this time of year some people seem to get depressed.  For whatever reason.  I’m not looking for causes of depression here as much as something that can solve a lot of ‘mental’ issues including depression.  

It has been said more recently that the reason for life, the reason we are here, is to help.  There is a good test for this.  If you look back in your life you will find that any time that you helped some person or some group of people without asking or wanting something for that help, you felt better.  This makes for a perfect way to deal with depression.

There are numerous ways to do this – anything from from helping serve food to the poor to helping shovel someone’s sidewalk that is unable to themselves.  It could be as simple as going the extra few feet and shoveling your neighbor’s sidewalk when you are doing yours.  Personally, I find it more fulfilling to actually DO something than give money.  Rake leaves, mow a lawn, take the garbage out for someone that is having difficulty.  Offer to watch the kids for a single mom who needs to get some groceries.  

Take your kids out and make a family thing of it.  Teach them that helping is part of life.  Helping or doing something without needing to get something in return.  This will set them up for a life that is more likely to be without the need for drugs or counseling.  

The best thing to do when someone really wants to repay the favor or pay for the services is to ask them to pay it forward.  Tell them that what you want them to do is to go and do something for someone else.  

There is a great example of this.  A few days ago, some media outlets on the internet were carrying a story of a number of people paying off others layaway plans at K-Mart in the United States.  They would be in line and see that someone with a bunch of kids was making a payment for presents or something and they would pay it off for them.  Most of the people doing this did it anonymously.  One woman whose bill had been paid in this way decided to take some of the money that she saved in this way and pay it toward another person.  

Makes for a pretty decent Christmas for all.  And I’m pretty sure that the people that gave the money to help got the better end of the bargain.  As you start this activity you will find that no sensation or feeling comes anywhere close to that of helping people.

So, I challenge you, are you going to feel depressed and feel sorry for yourself this Christmas or are you going to deal with your depression for real.  Instead of buying a present and giving it to someone go and help someone that actually needs it.  You will both win.

Anonymous Donors Pay Off Kmart Layaway Accounts


Posted by greymouser

Irresponsible Doctors giving Foster Kids 13 times number of pharmaceuticals

When you have psychiatrists criticizing the volume and types of drugs that are being given to these kids then you know something is seriously wrong:

If this does not inspire you to do something…

Posted by greymouser in Articles on Abuses