
Health Canada Ignoring Dangers of drugs

Here is a bit more proof that one should not take the medical profession at face value.  Do not believe the ads on television that a pill will take all your troubles away.  Read this article from the Toronto Star on how Health Canada is ignoring dangerous side effects of drugs produced by the pharmaceutical companies and handed out by your doctor.  Do your own research.–health-canada-brushes-off-reports-of-serious-side-effects


Posted by greymouser

Parents Rights

Many parents do not know their rights when it comes to their children being recommended psychiatric drugs.  The medical industry being part of Big Pharma has a lot of muscle to throw around and because most people are not well informed as to their rights when it comes to this area they can be convinced to do something that is not always in the best interests of their child.  The video at the end of the article linked below has a few requests that any parent is legally allowed to make.  Very sensible requests that could not logically be denied.  Even if you are one that does not believe that most of these drugs prescribed by doctors at the behest of Big Pharma will be harmful to your child, one should minimally follow through with the requests laid out in this video!  Who knows, maybe your child has an allergy or a brain tumor and an anti-depressant is being prescribed without a proper diagnosis.

Check out the video at this page: Is your Child Mentally Ill?

Posted by greymouser in Big Pharma

Denver shooting – James Holmes

Understandably there is a lot of upset and concern about James Holmes murder spree in Denver recently.  And generally when people are upset they do not see things clearly.  And opinions abound.  Many people consider the common denominator in these types of things to be the guns.  Methinks the view is not broad enough.  If you look you can find plenty of violent episodes that occur without guns but as a result of the person being on pharmaceuticals.  By the medical fields own statistics it is known that there are many more deaths directly caused by medicine and Big Pharma that there are from guns.  It is hard to find this line of investigation taking place in the mainstream media.  They seem to prefer the controversy that guns create. 

The article in this link shows the irresponsibility of one psychiatrist who knowingly allowed a killer loose on society.

Posted by greymouser