
Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain Suicides

Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain Suicides

In doing some research on the recent suicides of Kate and our beloved Anthony, I came across this article.  It was pretty much what I wanted to write so I’m posting it here(with permission) in its entirety. There is a link to Scott Lazarowitz’s Blog at the end of the article.  (Thanks Scott!)

“Were the Suicidal Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain on Psychiatric Drugs? Published by scott lazarowitz on June 9, 2018

Why did Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade both commit suicide and within a week of one another? Well, I think the timing is unrelated, but from the little information I’ve seen about both of them, I am wondering if they were taking the SSRI antidepressants.

I know, I know, I go on about the SSRIs, and the anti-anxiety meds, and so forth, but with good reason.

We do know that Bourdain had a history of depression, as he acknowledged in 2016. According to TMZ,

Bourdain addressed the issue while visiting Argentina — a country that fascinated him because it embraced psychoanalysis and mental health treatment.

The episode featured several scenes of Bourdain speaking with his therapist and addressing real issues in his life. And, even though it seems like a joke at first, it becomes clear he’s not kidding around.

When asked what brought him into the office, Bourdain says … “I will find myself in an airport, for instance, and I’ll order an airport hamburger. It’s an insignificant thing, it’s a small thing, it’s a hamburger, but it’s not a good one. Suddenly I look at the hamburger and I find myself in a spiral of depression that can last for days.”

Regarding Kate Spade, according to the Guardian,

“Kate suffered from depression and anxiety for many years,” the statement said. “She was actively seeking help and working closely with her doctors to treat her disease, one that takes far too many lives

Now, I’m not saying that either of those two had been taking those pharmaceutical antidepressant drugs, or, if they were, that the drugs caused them to decide to commit suicide. However, among other things, Dr. Peter Breggin writes, “With or without mania, antidepressants often cause a worsening of the individual’s condition, with “crashing” into depression and suicide.” Read the linked article for more information. You see, those SSRI antidepressants have very serious side effects, including causing depression and suicidal thoughts.

Dr. Breggin has written several books on the subject, and has testified before Congress on this issue as well.

As I have noted many times before now (and with documentation), many of the mass killers in recent years had been taking either those antidepressant drugs, or anti-anxiety drugs or anti-psychotics. In recent years, the young people have been exhibiting a rise in depression and anxiety. And I believe this is because of the schools and the mental health industry feeding them those damn psychiatric drugs, such as Ritalin, adderall, xanax, prozac, zoloft, luvox, and the list goes on.

As Dr. Breggin notes,

Antidepressants are neurotoxic, that is, they harm the brain and disrupt its functions. As a result, they cause innumerable kinds of abnormal thinking and behaviors, including mania, suicide and violence. In the process, they cause detectable damage to the brain of the child or adult, and also to the fetus of pregnant mothers who take the drug (See Scientific Section 9).

The antidepressant drugs have no specific impact on depression and instead are used off label to treat everything imaginable from physical pain to anxiety and ADHD. People often experience euphoria after starting an antidepressant, but it is short-lived, leaving the individual to try one and then another antidepressant in the hope of re-experiencing this artificial, chemically induced “happiness.” This initial “feeling great” is in reality a danger sign, often signaling the start of an antidepressant-induced manic episode that can ruin lives. Antidepressant-induced mania is largely indistinguishable from spontaneous mania, and varies in intensity from mild to psychotic. It can include bizarre destructive behaviors, impulsivity, sexual acting out, callousness, grandiosity, and very bad judgment. Antisocial behavior is common. Extreme irritability can lead otherwise loving people to become hateful and violent. Loss of judgment can cause ethical people to act like criminals (See Scientific Sections 1-7).

Again, I don’t know if Anthony Boudain or Kate Spade had been on any of those psychiatric drugs, but it would be informative to know if they had been taking them. In my view, it would be those damn drugs in which the emotional effects of personal incidents, which can affect someone deeply in the first place, are exaggerated greatly by the drugs.

As Wenzel observed, one possible incident in Bourdain’s life is that two days before his suicide he may have found out that his girlfriend was seen with another man, according to Daily Mail. But we don’t know if Bourdain had been on those psychiatric drugs. If he had been taking one of those psychiatric drugs, would he have otherwise gone on to commit suicide if he had not been on them?

And as I have included in my past posts on this subject, if someone wanted to stop taking antidepressants, to prevent dangerous withdrawal symptoms see Dr. Breggin’s book on psychiatric drug withdrawal, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families.”

Scott’s Blog can be found at

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