side effects

ADHD and Marijuana Use

ADHD and Marijuana Use

ADHD and Marijuana Use

Recently on our travels across the country we found a good friend, an adult, recently prescribed ADHD medication.  For various symptoms such as inability to concentrate, memory issues, etc.  Thus, in his case ADHD and marijuana use are very closely connected.

Not the first time I’ve come across this phenomenon.  Because the medical ‘profession’ and the pharmaceutical industry are, in this day and age, completely focused on symptoms.  Rarely, anymore, does one find a doctor with the inclination or the time to look to find causes.  Doctors will seldom look at marijuana use and ADHD and how they are connected

Easier, quicker and more financially rewarding to hand out drugs that hopefully, mask the symptoms than to learn enough about the patient to diagnose properly.  That way one has a lifetime patient (read 'income'). 

ADHD and marijuana studies

A quick search will result in finding some common manifestations of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

- having a short attention span and being easily distracted

- making careless mistakes – for example, in schoolwork

- appearing forgetful or losing things

- being unable to stick to tasks that are tedious or time-consuming

- appearing to be unable to listen to or carry out instructions

- constantly changing activity or task

- having difficulty organizing tasks

And some short and long term effects of marijuana use:

- affects judgement

- reduces reaction time

- sleepiness

- attention problems

- alters sense of time and place

- impaired body movement

- impaired memory

- impairs memory and thinking

- impairs learning functions

Turns out the effects of marijauna and ADHD symptoms are much the same. The similarities are quite obvious.  Any medical practitioner worth his or her salt should be able to see and know this if they bothered to look. That’s only part of the problem, though isn’t it as most doctors are so over educated that they can’t observe what is in front of them.  If it’s not told to them in their books, it can’t be true.

Add to this problem are the side effects of Adderall and Ritalin, which are the most prescribed drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:

  • restlessness
  • difficulty falling asleep/interrupted sleep
  • paranoia
  • exacerbation of existing mental illnesses
  • nervousness
  • agitation
  • anxiety
  • psychosis

Is there a correlation between ADHD and marijuana use?  Here is a video going into the relationship between marijuana and schizophrenia. 

Solutions to ADHD and Marijuana Abuse

There are numerous solutions to ADHD that don’t involve drugs.  Whether the so called disease, ADHD, is caused by marijuana or some other environmental toxin.  Allergies?  Mineral depletion?

If it's possible these side effects are caused by marijuana, partially or otherwise, then you should ask your doctor to or do your own research for ways to handle the cause.  It’s not because your body is short on the 'vitamin' Ritalin.  And the whole brain chemical imbalance thing has been debunked numerous times so, don’t go there.

There is a great book by Dr. Sydney Walker Jr.that debunks the whole idea of physical problems and proper diagnosis with relation to mental illness.  In his book, A Dose of Sanity, Dr Sydney Walker gives an example of someone that been prescribed an anti-anxiety drug but when proper investigation and research was done, he found the cause to be a brain tumour.  That takes a bit of time to discover but that's time that most doctors won’t take. 

More on Big Pharma and Addiction here

There are very few instances in life where drugs will solve problems. 

Do your research!  And ask your doctor to do the same.

Posted by Marty in Blog, 1 comment

Abilify Side Effects

When you watch and listen to ads on television for pharmaceutical drugs, do you listen to the list of side effects or do you just shut them out?  If you are searching the Web and found this, then you are at least somewhat aware of how irresponsible the industry is for selling drugs to people with the potential side effect of death.  Government health organizations such as Health Canada and the FDA in the United States want to control natural products like vitamins and other natural supplements but take no responsibility for their actions in allowing dangerous drugs on the market like Abilify.

Two different videos displayed below:



Posted by greymouser in Big Pharma, Blog