side effects of ritalin

Ritalin Abuse, Side Effects and young children

“In the same year, the Washington Post published the fact that Ritalin which is prescribed to very young children had never been tested on that age group (under 6’s) and yet, between 150,000 – 200,000 children between the ages of 2 and 4 were prescribed Ritalin.”

~ Hilary Butler letter to British Medical Journal 2004

Fact:  Ritalin is a Schedule II Substance, which means Ritalin has a “high potential for abuse” that “may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence,” and the federal government sets limits on the amount of these amphetamine drugs that may be manufactured each year.

There isn’t enough blog post room here to list ALL of the side effects of Ritalin.  Visit to see the full list.

Posted by greymouser in Articles on Abuses