plague of corruption

Judy Mikovits: A Plague of Corruption

Judy Mikovits: A Plague of Corruption

Book: A Plague of Corruption by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits

“Where does an 800 pound gorilla sit?  Wherever the heck it wants!”

The pharmaceutical industry has looked, to me, for a long time, as a 800 pound gorilla with brass knuckles.  I’ve watched Big Pharma abuse people with mood altering drugs like Prozac, Ritalin, Lithium, Zoloft and a host of others.  Destroying people’s minds and numbing their moods and lives. 

I had no idea that they were doing the same thing with vaccines.  I’m reading the book, ‘Plague of Corruption’ by Judy Mikovitz which chronicles the organsition as it has paid out in excess of 4 billion dollars to people that have been damaged by their vaccines.  This with rules in place that make it all but impossible to bring these corrupt companies to task.  

Supported by the Department of Justice (for some reason)  running interference by screening their own witnesses when they won’t toe the party line.  

There are a few things that I would have left out of the book, some hypotheses as to what happened to some friends and acquaintances at the hands of some over zealous investigators.  

Other than that her story, the history and the facts and events that Mikovits  speaks of, can all be verified outside the pages of the book.  

I know some that throw the phrase ‘conspiracy theorist’ at her as a way to discredit.  I hate that phrase.  It is akin to name calling. It was coined to discredit those who would try and investigate various government ‘indiscretions’ and crimes.  If someone is labelled this way, the viewer is likely to not look any closer at their theories.  

I’m of a mind to believe someone that is attacked by any government agency as fiercely as Mikovits has been attacked.  

Instead of reading opinions or watching videos about Judy Mikovits, read the book and verify these things yourself.  

As a note, this book did not convince me to stay away from vaccines.  It did, however, educate me to a point that I'm able to ask questions intelligently, so that I'm not trusting doctors out of hand and endangering my self and others. Particularly my children.

Check out the link below for the book: Purchase here

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