pharmaceutical drugs

Nutrient Depletion and Drugs

Nutrient Depletion and Drugs

If you really want to know how various prescribed drugs can affect other nutrients, please check out this website.  Vitamins you take and nutrients in your food can be affected differently by various pharmaceuticals.  If your health has been adversely affected while on some needed drug here you will find some very useful information as to how you can get your body back to battery.

Find Deficiencies at MyTavin

Posted by Marty in Blog, 0 comments

Irresponsible Doctors giving Foster Kids 13 times number of pharmaceuticals

When you have psychiatrists criticizing the volume and types of drugs that are being given to these kids then you know something is seriously wrong:

If this does not inspire you to do something…

Posted by greymouser in Articles on Abuses

Abilify Side Effects

When you watch and listen to ads on television for pharmaceutical drugs, do you listen to the list of side effects or do you just shut them out?  If you are searching the Web and found this, then you are at least somewhat aware of how irresponsible the industry is for selling drugs to people with the potential side effect of death.  Government health organizations such as Health Canada and the FDA in the United States want to control natural products like vitamins and other natural supplements but take no responsibility for their actions in allowing dangerous drugs on the market like Abilify.


Posted by greymouser in Big Pharma

Child Abuse Facts

“Malicious” use of drugs an under-recognized form of child abuse

By Laura Stone, Postmedia News

“The “malicious” use of pharmaceuticals on children is an under-recognized form of child abuse, according to a study released on July 22.

New research that analyzes information from the U.S. National Poison Centre Data System from the past decade shows a small but steady number of children, median age two, who were found to have been exposed to at least one sedating agent, including street drugs, antipsychotics, cough medicines, and ethanol.

“It’s an aspect of child abuse that is not often considered,” said Dr. Shan Yin, a pediatrician at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and author of the study published in The Journal of Pediatrics.

“I think this is going on, probably throughout the country, and we’re not paying attention to it.”

The study looked at cases from 2000 to 2008, involving pharmaceutical exposure to children under seven years old, for which the reason was coded as “malicious” by poison centre standards.”

Posted by greymouser in Articles on Abuses

The Child Advocate

Recently, I was at a seminar on the overuse of pharmaceutical drugs on growing children. One of the parents was a foster parent. Children’s Aid had put the foster child on different drugs to handle supposed over activity on the child’s part. The foster mom called in the Child Advocate. According to Wikipedia: “Refers to a range of individuals, professionals and advocacy organizations who promote the optimal development of children. An individual or organization engaging in advocacy typically seeks to protect children’s rights which may be abridged or abused in a number of areas.”

What is a Child Advocate?

In Canada, we have the Provincial Advocate:

The outcome:
The child refused the medication after being informed as to the side effects and long term effects they could cause. The foster mom informed us that the child was doing well and she had modified his diet and spent time working with him on his school work.

Posted by greymouser in Advices