
Restoring Study 329

Restoring Study 329

Is Pfizer Being Just a Tad Hypocritical?

Or is it just the money?

I took this straight from Bobby Fiddiman’s Facebook page.  Bobby has been fighting the good fight against the pharmaceutical industry for many years.  Below his notes, I’ve added a link to a study he references.  This study shows how pharmaceutical companies hide the real results of their research.

[read more]

“A word to those who don't move in the same circles as I do.

If you want to analyse selected data for Pfizer’s trial, you will have to wait until May 2025 before you can request them. Even in 2025, Pfizer will not release the individual Case Report Forms (CRFs) from their clinical trials.  (Reference to Vaccine safety studies.)

The only time CRFs have been accessed by anyone outside of the drug industry was for a restoration study. The original study showed a popular antidepressant (Paxil) was safe and effective in children. However, after gaining access to the CRFs many years later, the restoration team found it was the complete opposite. Paxil was neither safe or effective in children, in fact it induced thoughts of self-harm and suicide and put children at risk when taking it. [see ‘Restoring Study 329’ below]

By 2025, Pfizer will have sold hundreds of millions of doses and earned billions of dollars.

You, I, the FDA, CDC, The WHO, will never be able to see the CRFs. All you will be able to access is studies in journals written, on the surface, by key opinion leaders known as experts in the field.

[This next is very important data to know when researching Big Pharma’s research.]

However, these key opinion leaders don't actually write these studies. They are drafted by PR firms hired by the drug companies. The key opinion leaders (without seeing the CRFs) just add their name to the articles, which are normally posted in medical journals. These articles are then picked up by mainstream media and touted as truth.

Drug companies claim they don't release the CRFs because of proprietary rights and patient confidentiality. Now, tell me if you think it's right that you, yourself, fill forms and have to include your medical information (whether or not you've been juiced)? Shouldn't that be confidential as well? Shouldn't you have the right not to carry papers or Apps with your medical information?

You can tout the pandemic as your excuse for compliance all you want - speak to Pfizer about it - ask them to release the CRFs - see what response they give you.

This is what you are all up against.

Don't believe me?

Research it - make me a liar.

Facebook will, no doubt add a COVID warning to this post when, in actual fact, they should be adding a Pfizer warning.

Lesson over.

~ Fid”

Restoring Study 329 - A Bit of History

The article on the other side of this link exposes how the pharmaceutical company Glaxo-SmithKline hid real research behind paid hacks calling themselves scientists. 

In the original study, called Restoring Study 329:

“In 2001, a pharmaceutical industry-conducted trial[1] published in the most prestigious American journal of child psychiatry reported that paroxetine was more effective than placebo in treating major depression in 275 adolescents. The study was conducted by the drug manufacturer in typical fashion: dozens of clinical sites were used throughout the country to recruit patients, the data were analyzed in-house by statistical employees of the company, and academic leaders in the field reviewed and revised the paper and became its authors, the first being the chairman of the department of psychiatry at Brown University …and became its authors …!"

So, the Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Brown University penned his name to the study to give it credibility?  He did not have all of the research to hand:

“The core problem is that the process for safety and effectiveness testing is left to drug manufacturers, who have a vested interest in seeing positive results, without the medical and scientific community being able to scrutinize what they are doing.”

So, knowing that the drug, Paxil, fared no better than the placebo in trials, Glaxo-SmithKline then marketed and sold the product. 

And after over 20 years on the market, Glaxo-SmithKline paid out 3 billion dollars in fines for this crap.  Rarely do all the full data on the research come to light.  And they’re not ever willingly provided by the pharmaceutical companies. 

Bobby’s argument here is that we will not be allowed to know the real research data on Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine until 2025 and that’s WAY too late if there is danger there.

The Real Problem

The real problem is that Big Pharma has a history of editing its research on drugs to show benefits and hiding or making little of harm or damages they can cause.

One of the scariest aspects with Paxil is that it is still out there. You can get it under many names: Tagonis, Eutimil, Riva-paroxetine, MeradelParoneurin… there are about another fifty.

Do your own research into how these companies do their research.  If you do this, you will not be so eager to believe your doctor or the advertising. that touts the benefits of drugs like Paxil or some of the recent products of companies like Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson.


#study329 #pfizer #glaxosmithkline #paxil #johnsonandjohnson

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