Dr. Zach Bush and Your Immune System
When discussing mental or physical illness, health and nutrition cannot be overlooked. Many physicians are much too anxious to write a prescription for the least ailment. A sore knee and out comes the prescription pad for Oxycontin. A teen-age break up with a girlfriend or boyfriend and out comes the prescription pad for an anti-depressant.
These drugs and many like them may give temporary release from mental or physical anguish. The long term and addictive effects can be brutal. Much of what we are experiencing, particularly in North America, are harmful toxins that are constantly put into our bodies via the foods that we eat and drink and the stale air that we breathe. These things can all too easily affect our moods and how we handle the stress of life.
Numerous doctors and psychiatrists over the years have looked for other ways than drugs to help their patients alleviate various mental conditions. The late Dr Sydney Walker, in his book, A Dose of Sanity, insists that he could find the physical source for whatever mental issue was manifesting. He was extremely successful in this regard.
The insistence of some that there is a chemical imbalance in the brain causing illnesses like depression and bipolar issues has yet to be proven. There exists no research validating this idea.
So, what then? How does our immune system affect our mental health? And how do the chemicals in our environment affect our immune system?
Below is a excerpt from and link to Dr. Zach Bush’s website. This section is titled ‘The Innate Immune System’. Read through the articles and watch the video. There is a lot of information in this section of his website. Going through this material will give you a greater understanding as to how the microbes in your environment can benefit your health. How you can revitalize your physical and thus your mental health.
"During this most extreme collapse of human health in our history, we have made a startling discovery: human cells are not at the center of human health. Instead, it’s the cells within our microbiome, functioning as the life-giving soil within our gut and internal organs, which is at the core. The microbiome guides human health and is one of the most important contributors to the functioning of our immune system."
- Dr Zach Bush