definition of a drug

Is Marijuana a Drug?

Is Marijuana a Drug?

Define Your Terms


If we are going to talk about this, have a discussion, let us first define our terms.  


“Drugs can alter the way people think, feel, and behave by disrupting neurotransmission, the process of communication between neurons (nerve cells) in the brain.”

I was having a discussion on the subject of marijuana with someone a while back and it really wasn’t going anywhere, until I realized that while I considered marijuana a drug, he did not.

So, now if I'm ever in a discussion that is becoming an argument, I resort to this quote:

“If you wish to converse with me, define your terms” Voltaire


Marijuana, per pretty much any definition of the word ‘drug’ applies.  There was a short saying years ago along the lines of, "If a horse has four legs and a tail and you call the tail a leg, then how many legs does it have?  Still four.  Just because you call the tail a leg, doesn’t make it a leg.”  


"A drug is any substance (other than food that provides nutritional support) that, when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue causes a temporary physiological (and often psychological) change in the body."  (This definition compiled from Stedman's Medical Dictionary and Random House Dictionary.)


“something and often an illegal substance that causes addiction, habituation*, or a marked change in consciousness” - Merriam-Webster Dictionary  (*Habituation: psychological dependence on a drug after a period of use”  Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

So, marijuana alters the way you think, feel, and or behave.  If you really want the technical data on how drugs such as marijuana affect the neurotransmitters in the brain, then read the full article at the link above. ( 

The majority of people use marijuana in its various forms to get stoned.  

I’m pretty sure that I’ve never seen or heard of an increase in consciousness or awareness with someone on marijuana.  I’ve had many claim better judgement which never proves out in actual practice.  

Redefinition of Terms

As with other controversial subjects, the redefinition of terms runs rampant with marijuana.  

“It’s a Herb”

Commonly referred to as a herb so it is safe.  This is an attempt to redefine pot as a ‘safe herb’. That doesn’t make it is so.  Another herb that you may have heard of is Hemlock.

 Hemlock has been used in the past medicinally but is extremely toxic and a very small amount can kill you.  So, using the fact that marijuana is a herb and that is why it is safe, once you know the facts, destroys that argument.

Medical Marijuana

This is another redefinition of marijuana.  In an attempt to get away from the fact that marijuana is a drug, those interested in marketing and selling it broadly, would have you believe there is a different version of marijuana that is ‘medical marijuana’, because adding the word ‘medical’ would obviously give it legitimacy.  

There is no real difference between ‘regular’ marijuana and ‘medical’ marijuana.  None.

“It’s Natural”

Marijana is so far from being ‘natural’ anymore.  It has been bred constantly over the last 50-60 years for increased potency.  Various breeding and growing techniques have not only increased the amount of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) - that’s the stuff that gets you stoned - but also have lowered the amount of CBD Oil (cannabidiol - that’s the stuff that mitigates the effects of the THC - lessens the effects) resulting in a drug that is many times stronger - ten to twenty time stronger or even more - than it was 50 plus years ago.

So, as I mentioned at the beginning, if you are going to discuss the subject of marijuana, establish your definitions first.  If you find you are arguing about the subject and whether or not it is a drug, then establish your definitions.  Save a lot of frustration.

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