Big Pharma Owns You!

Big Pharma Owns You!

I'm tempted to copy and paste this whole article as I want it to be here as permanently as possible.  I'm amazed that this one has been up a whole week already.  These evil men and women from Big Pharma create more havoc and strife and grief on the American people in a month than all the terrorists in history put together.  The death toll is staggering.  

Almost 60,000 children in the USA alone visit emergency hospital rooms each year due to accidental overdoses.  (  The information on this website is largely taken from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) How many children die or don't bother going?  Child gun accidents and injuries are nowhere close to this.  You never hear the end of it if a child gets injured by a gun but if 100 die or are injured by 'accidental' overdose it is never reported.  Why? Why not? Misdirection maybe.

Try and hold Big Pharma accountable...No Way!!  They are making far too much money and spread it around in the right places.  This is an decent article on the corrupt system and how Big Pharma controls the media and pretty much controls and influences how the American people think.  

Big Pharma owns Corporate America and YOU!

"According to a 2009 study by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, with the exception of CBS every major media outlet in the United States shares at least one board member with at least one drug company. Let me put it in perspective for you, these board members wake up, they go to a meeting at Merck or Pfizer, and then they have their driver take them over to a meeting with NBC to decide what kind of programming that network is going to air. For those board members who aren’t pulling double duty with a media conglomerate and a big drug company, they still understand that they can’t be honest and objective about big pharma because big pharma pays their bills." (...more here)

It sometimes amazes me how people get conned by all this.  Then I think how constantly overwhelming and insidious it is.  If you don't believe that you are somewhat 'brainwashed' by the media, try something:

Go for one month:

  1. Don't watch any news or ads on TV.  That will be nigh impossible for sports fans.
  2. No news on the radio.
  3. Refuse to click on any news item on Facebook or any other social media.  
  4. Don't even look at a newspaper. Unless it is to do the crossword puzzle or sudoku.
  5. Magazines - well, if you read one, you are going to see ads from Big Pharma.  

I doubt one in a hundred people could do this for a month but if you can...then see if  your view on life is any different.  Anyone that I have encountered that has done this has become a much more alive and less depressed person.  

There was a book written years ago called 1984 by George Orwell.  Many people know the phrase "Big Brother".  That is the book that it came from.  I found the book kind of dry but prophetic nonetheless.  The whole idea of books like this and Huxley's 'Brave New World' were to predict and warn against such a dark future and hopefully prevent it from happening.  No such luck.  Maybe we could be calling Big Pharma 'Big Brother' instead.

“Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” from George Orwell's 1984

So, read this article about Big Pharma and the money trail and see if it helps you become conscious.

Posted by greymouser in Big Pharma