
Who Decides?

Who Decides?

Who Decides What Becomes a Mental Disease?

  • who decides at what point an active boy becomes ADHD?
  • who decides at what point a liking for neatness and order becomes OCD?
  • who decides when sadness becomes depression?
  • who decides when an ‘emotional roller coaster’ becomes Bipolar?
  • who decides when a cheeky kid is suffering from "oppositional defiance disorder"?

ADD or ADHD Or Just An Active Little Boy?

Before ‘ADHD’ we were just active boys.  Likely too much sugar.  Either way, if we were too rambunctious we would be send outside to play and burn off some extra energy.  At school there was enough adhdphysical activity and breaks from academics to bleed off any extra energy.  An acquaintance of mine, Sonny, at the gym, was diagnosed ADHD when 7 years old. The teachers wanted to put him on Ritalin.  His grandfather stepped in and said no.  Grandfather enrolled Sonny in a martial arts class.  He says it helped him burn off energy and stay focused.

I can’t remember not being outside after school winter or summer.  On weekends we would head to the farm and in winter we would head out into the woods for hours.  Come back when time to leave stiff from the cold and wet from falling through the ice.

There are myriad solutions online for ADHD.

Above are just a couple of sites.  I don’t necessarily agree that there is anything wrong with a 8 or 10 year old boy that needs to be active. BUT if you do and want to ‘solve it’, then there are dozens of ways to help your child without drugs.  Of course, I do understand if you need the quick fix of a drug to control and keep your child quiet.  Your life is more important than your child’s.  I’m not really apologetic about the sarcasm - people need to spend more time with their kids.  Not just give them everything they want.

Some schools have taken away parts of education that are not academic.  Big mistake.

OCD vs Neatness?

Is there a test, physical or otherwise for OCD?  I don’t think so.  Who makes the line in the sand? On this side you just like things orderly and clean.  On the other side you have a mental problem because you like things orderly, neat and clean.  Huh?  The headshrinkers would have you believe that 1 in 4 or 5 are in need of psychiatric help.  It is not that hard to convince someone they need some help but when that help comes in the form of a pill that is addictive and has side effects that include depression, suicide thoughts and death, well, let’s not terrify this person more than they already might be.

Oppositional Defiance Disorder(Or Just Cheeky)?

The ‘cheeky’ kid that gets into trouble because he disagrees with the teacher.  He is not convinced and won’t take things at face value.  He is light hearted about it and is seen as somewhat condescending when in reality he is way ahead of the curve but the teacher or parent finds this disrupting to the rest of the children largely because this ‘defiant’ child is just too smart.  But because he doesn’t fit in or just believe all he is told, he gets a prescription to subdue him.  There is no physical or mental test to determine at what point these kids need to be drugged.  It’s all opinion.  The psychiatrist listens to the parent or teacher and prescribes a drug.  That simple.  A caring person would have a conversation with the child, teacher and parents to see how to encourage and challenge the child.  Drugs are ‘easier’.

isis terrorists


I’m not sure that terrorist organizations should even bother terrorizing the West, particularly North America.  Psychiatry with its
drugs are stripping away the life of upcoming generations and pretty much destroying any willingness to fight back.  ISIS would be smart to just finance the field of psychiatry and the job of destroying America would be done for them.

Posted by greymouser in Terrorism, 0 comments

Get a full medical if you are worried about depression

One should always get a complete physical before taking any mood-altering drug if diagnosed for depression, bipolar disease, ADHD or similar so-called diseases. Insist on a thorough examination. Most doctors in the US and Canada are paid a certain amount of money per visit. They are generally allowed a very short time to do their diagnosis. Because of this, many cannot afford the time to do a proper investigation into your symptoms and will often prescribe a drug such as Prozac or Zoloft or such that handles the symptoms and masks the real cause of the problem.

The other problem that doctors often run into is that patients come in to their offices asking for a drug that they have seen advertised on TV. More often than not the doctor knows very little about the drug and they have been known to hand out a prescription without proper research of their own. Again, given the limited time allowed a doctor by an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization – Group Health), they rarely are able to get enough information to properly diagnose.

In the US and Canada there are licensing boards that are supposed to oversee the quality of care. In Canada, there is not much useful information as to whether a doctor is ethical or not. They tend to protect their own. There is a bit more information on the websites of the licensing boards in the US where each state has its own. Here you can often find out if a doctor has be sued for malpractice or whether he or she has been disciplined and other information.

We suggest that when searching for a doctor, ask your friends or at a local health food store. This will probably be more effective than checking the above sources. Look for one that will take the time to help you find the real problem for you or your family. Getting the proper diagnosis should result in one feeling better, being more energetic and more productive. If one is more productive, well, it snowballs, one will always feel better when they are more productive.

Posted by greymouser in Advices