Articles on Abuses

ETC and Teens (Electro-Convulsive Therapy)

ETC and Teens (Electro-Convulsive Therapy)

The proponents of ECT(Electro-Convulsive Shock Therapy) lament that ECT has a poor public image.  Well, I love that part.  In an article on a website called Mescape, a Dr. Puffer of the Mayo Clinic is quoted: "The findings also suggest that while ECT improves outcomes, it is not a cure.”

First of all, of course they don’t have a cure and they(Psychiatric Industry) admits that none of their treatments are cures.  What then are they trying to do?  There are no biological tests for their so called illnesses that supposedly result from odd brain chemistry.  Depression is a real thing but not knowing the cause,  the treatments are largely to suppress symptoms.   And if the chemical straight jackets don’t work, the next step for them is ECT.  Now if that doesn’t work, will they start promoting lobotomies and leucotomies as a final solution or maybe euthanasia…?  If one is all about treating symptoms what would be the problem taking things this far.

Electric shock is a known torture technique.  If someone from a different country was using this type of ‘treatment’ on US citizens, they would be called terrorists.

More here: Actual Facts about ECT results

Posted by greymouser in Articles on Abuses

Release Mark Taylor

This is an incredibly sad story.  This young man was a victim at Columbine years ago.  He exposed some injustices in that event and has been punished relentlessly since.

Release Mark Taylor

Posted by greymouser in Articles on Abuses

Irresponsible Doctors giving Foster Kids 13 times number of pharmaceuticals

When you have psychiatrists criticizing the volume and types of drugs that are being given to these kids then you know something is seriously wrong:

If this does not inspire you to do something…

Posted by greymouser in Articles on Abuses

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – A Joke?

I have always thought that the characteristics that defined Attention Deficit Disorder was pretty much the same definition that one would make for an active, healthy, young boy.  This is the most recent attention deficit hyperactivity disorderincarnation of the description of ADHD that give psychiatrists and doctors an excuse to drug out children.  More often than not it is the parent’s or teacher’s intolerance and impatience than anything that the child is doing wrong.

Posted by greymouser in Articles on Abuses

Maryanne Godbolbo is winning against the pshychiatric terrorists

Here is one where the psychiatrists and the police state did not win.  Several months ago Maryanne Godbolbo tried to keep her daughter from forcibly being taken by child care services in Detroit (they had no legal right to take her daughter).  The police forcibly entered her home and took her daughter.  The case is still ongoing but the judge has kept the state from giving the daughter more drugs as she was doing better without and is having her released to her father.

Posted by greymouser in Articles on Abuses