Depression and SSRIs

There are millions of dollars spent on ads on TV and thousands of doctors and psychiatrists that will promote and tell you how wonderful Prozac and Ritalin and similar drugs are for you.  Zoloft is also an SSRI.  SSRI definition: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

Read the articles below if you want to do proper research to find out how these drugs can affect you.  Are they really effective is solving what they are prescribed for?

Five Reasons

If you are taking any of these 'depression' or mood altering SSRIs, for heaven's sake DO NOT go cold turkey.  Don't quit without proper medical supervision.  Almost always, the effects/reactions one has when trying to withdraw or quit can be be much worse than whatever you were experiencing beforehand.  There is some data in this article from

There is also a great book by renowned psychiatrist Peter Breggin on coming off drugs and how to go about withdrawal.

Please know what you are getting into before you start doing something like this.  Don't do these drugs casually or even with a doctor's prescription without doing your own proper research.

Posted by greymouser

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