
Who Decides?

Who Decides?

Who Decides What Becomes a Mental Disease?

  • who decides at what point an active boy becomes ADHD?
  • who decides at what point a liking for neatness and order becomes OCD?
  • who decides when sadness becomes depression?
  • who decides when an ‘emotional roller coaster’ becomes Bipolar?
  • who decides when a cheeky kid is suffering from "oppositional defiance disorder"?

ADD or ADHD Or Just An Active Little Boy?

Before ‘ADHD’ we were just active boys.  Likely too much sugar.  Either way, if we were too rambunctious we would be send outside to play and burn off some extra energy.  At school there was enough adhdphysical activity and breaks from academics to bleed off any extra energy.  An acquaintance of mine, Sonny, at the gym, was diagnosed ADHD when 7 years old. The teachers wanted to put him on Ritalin.  His grandfather stepped in and said no.  Grandfather enrolled Sonny in a martial arts class.  He says it helped him burn off energy and stay focused.

I can’t remember not being outside after school winter or summer.  On weekends we would head to the farm and in winter we would head out into the woods for hours.  Come back when time to leave stiff from the cold and wet from falling through the ice.

There are myriad solutions online for ADHD.

Above are just a couple of sites.  I don’t necessarily agree that there is anything wrong with a 8 or 10 year old boy that needs to be active. BUT if you do and want to ‘solve it’, then there are dozens of ways to help your child without drugs.  Of course, I do understand if you need the quick fix of a drug to control and keep your child quiet.  Your life is more important than your child’s.  I’m not really apologetic about the sarcasm - people need to spend more time with their kids.  Not just give them everything they want.

Some schools have taken away parts of education that are not academic.  Big mistake.

OCD vs Neatness?

Is there a test, physical or otherwise for OCD?  I don’t think so.  Who makes the line in the sand? On this side you just like things orderly and clean.  On the other side you have a mental problem because you like things orderly, neat and clean.  Huh?  The headshrinkers would have you believe that 1 in 4 or 5 are in need of psychiatric help.  It is not that hard to convince someone they need some help but when that help comes in the form of a pill that is addictive and has side effects that include depression, suicide thoughts and death, well, let’s not terrify this person more than they already might be.

Oppositional Defiance Disorder(Or Just Cheeky)?

The ‘cheeky’ kid that gets into trouble because he disagrees with the teacher.  He is not convinced and won’t take things at face value.  He is light hearted about it and is seen as somewhat condescending when in reality he is way ahead of the curve but the teacher or parent finds this disrupting to the rest of the children largely because this ‘defiant’ child is just too smart.  But because he doesn’t fit in or just believe all he is told, he gets a prescription to subdue him.  There is no physical or mental test to determine at what point these kids need to be drugged.  It’s all opinion.  The psychiatrist listens to the parent or teacher and prescribes a drug.  That simple.  A caring person would have a conversation with the child, teacher and parents to see how to encourage and challenge the child.  Drugs are ‘easier’.

isis terrorists


I’m not sure that terrorist organizations should even bother terrorizing the West, particularly North America.  Psychiatry with its
drugs are stripping away the life of upcoming generations and pretty much destroying any willingness to fight back.  ISIS would be smart to just finance the field of psychiatry and the job of destroying America would be done for them.

Posted by greymouser in Terrorism, 0 comments
Torture and ECT!!

Torture and ECT!!

This article by my dear friend Charlotte Roberts:(thanks for letting me post)

What would you call someone who deliberately sent 180 to 460 volts of electricity searing through their brain? Idiot? Knucklehead? Imbecile?

So what would you call someone who sends that voltage through the brain of a child, deliberately?  I would call them malevolent, foul, malicious (if I were keeping it clean) and I would consign them to their very own very special Hell for all of eternity.

But, unbelievable as it is, such people do exist. And your provincial government funds them. I’m speaking, of course, about the barbaric cruelty fraudulently enforced on patients of ALL ages, including children, in our nation’s psychiatric institutions.

happy child

This child doesn't need ECT!

“Learned” papers by leading so-called experts, such as that published by the British Columbia Ministry of Health Services(*) touts ECT as “safe and effective”. What unmitigated nonsense!  ECT is not safe. Never has been. Never will be. 

As to its effectiveness, that depends entirely on what it is the psychiatrist is trying to do. If what he has in mind is inducing memory loss, brain damage, inter-cranial bleeding, loss of brain tissue, headaches, nausea, confusion, and death then, yes, it works like a bomb. If it’s supposed to “cure” anything, then it’s a miserable failure. Just ask one of the many “ECT survivors” who posted this heartbreaking comment about her ECT “treatments”:

"My lifetime memories are gone. So are my abilities, home, daughter, love of my life, and friends.

I have been suicidal after ECT many times, and it’s like a slow and lingering death.

I think all psychiatrists who do this should do it to themselves.

I cry daily, weekly, always."

And this is what those heartless, soul-less psychiatrists are doing. To children.

It isn’t a new idea, either. AHRP (Alliance for Human Research Protection) chronicles the experiments of Lauretta Bender, whom they correctly style “Child Psychiatrist from Hell”:

Child psychiatrist, Dr. Lauretta Bender, began her experimental electroshock “treatments” in children in 1942 at Bellevue Hospital. She experimented extensively on helpless children whom she “diagnosed” with “autistic schizophrenia.” Some of the children were as young as 3 years of age. She used multiple electroshock (ECT) “treatments” at Bellevue Hospital (NYC) and then added LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs experimenting on children at Creedmoor Hospital with CIA funds.

By 1947, she had “conducted ECT on 98 children diagnosed with Childhood Schizophrenia under the age of 12”.

Steve Silberman, an award-winning American writer, says that:

In the ‘50’s and ‘60’s, autistic kids were often subjected to seclusion, restraint, and physical punishment by clinicians who did not understand their condition. The head of children’s psychiatry at Bellevue Hospital in New York City, Lauretta Bender, administered electroconvulsive therapy to autistic patients and also insulin-shock therapy – administering overdoses of insulin to put them into a short-term coma. She gave them antipsychotic drugs like Thorazine. She also tried giving autistic kids LSD every day for nine months or more, but decided they were becoming “more anxious”.

A researcher friend of mine says regarding Bender, “I read nasty-ass spy novels. They ain’t got nothin’ on her”. He’s right. I defy even Stephen King to come up with anything as horrifying.

Meanwhile, Renee Binder and Saul Levin of the American Psychiatric Association (commonly abbreviated to “Am Psych Ass”) have been lobbying the FDA for relaxed regulations for using ECT on children. According to these characters, "Having access to a rapid and effective treatment such as ECT is especially meaningful in children and adolescents...."

The 2013 report by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment called electroshock “torture” and calls for a ban on all “forced and non-consensual” electroshock “against persons with disabilities”.

Some legislators, apparently with more active brain cells than ours, have banned the use of ECT on children. In 2014, Western Australia joined India, California, Colorado, Tennessee and Texas in implementing rigorous restrictions on the use of ECT. In Western Australia, for instance, administering ECT on anyone younger than age 14 can get actual jail time as well as a hefty fine.

That’s a fine start, but it’s not enough. Cheryl van Daalen-Smith, RN, PhD, Associate Professor at York University, has the right idea:

“The ongoing and growing interest within psychiatry in prescribing electroshock or shock-like procedures … in children is of grave concern," and "given the volume of evidence demonstrating its substantive brain-damaging outcomes, we call for an immediate global ban on the use of electroshock on all children.”

So, by all means, parents -- continue to install baby gates, electrical outlet caps, cupboards locks. Buy the kids bicycle helmets and sports padding. Continue to impose curfews, monitor the sites they visit on the internet, and warn them of the dangers of drugs. And keep them strictly away from the maniacs with medical degrees. 

Posted by greymouser in Terrorism, 0 comments
5 Ways of Coping With Depression

5 Ways of Coping With Depression

5 Ways of Coping With Depression

...Without the use of drugs...

There are numerous ways one can deal with depression without using drugs.  You are obviously going to get your Doctor or Psychiatrist going on about these treatments not being tested; things like certain supplements or having dubious results.

Well, compare the fact that vitamin C has likely not ever killed anyone.  There are some supplements that have a more erratic history but this information needs to be taken with the proper comparative data.

For example:

1. St John’s Wort - $55 million spent on this one annually in the US of A.  For the purpose of alleviating depression.  There are side effects of this one.  The majority of side effects, I have found, from the bit of research that I’ve done, is when taken in conjunction with pharmaceuticals that are also taken for the purposes of alleviating depression.  Pretty easy to find the side effects of these anti-depressant drugs.  As anything you take, do your own research and make sure that the products that you take play well together.

2. Exercise - The Mayo Clinic( recommends exercise.  Exercise can help in a couple of ways according to their website. From a ‘chemical’ standpoint, it releases ‘good’ chemicals into your system(in a much more natural way than anti-depressants). Some of these are: neurotransmitters, endorphins and endocannabinoids.  Secondly, exercise tends to take your mind off your worries, increases confidence and pride and often gets one out and about so there is more social interaction.

3. EMpowerPlus: This is product developed in Alberta Canada by a company called TrueHope( Lots of testimonials and accolades.  A combination of vitamins and minerals developed originally to specifically deal with BiPolar Disorder.  One of the developer’s wives committed suicide as a result of this mental disorder and was determined to come up with a natural solution, which seems to work for a LOT of people.

4. Fast Food - Keep Away… Per The Science Daily ) “…A 42% increase in the risk [of depression] associated with fast food was found,…”.  There are numerous studies showing the relationship of depression and fast/junk food.  This is not a simple change for many as with it comes a bit of a lifestyle change.  If you are not going to eat at McDonald’s or order in Chinese food, what are you going to do.  Learn to cook?  This will actually do a couple of things(learning to cook, I mean) - it will get you healthier, which will obviously lessen depression and it will also get you more active, so you don’t ‘think’ so much.

5. Go for a walk.  LiThis is a bit like the exercise thing but not exactly.  I heard a story once about a woman who was very depressed after having a baby.  After nothing else working, a friend took her out for a walk.  She make her walk away from her home until she almost couldn’t walk any more then return home. Within a few days she was completely better.  If you are going to try this one, don’t go out to ‘think’.  While walking, look at things or touch things.  Look at trees, buildings, fire hydrants, lampposts.  If you have to make a game with yourself, then look for thing of different shapes or sizes or colours or whatever.  Figure out the game as you go or before you go.  That way you are forcing your attention outwards instead of introspecting.  Always healthier that way.

I really hope that you try some of these things.

Posted by greymouser in Depression
The Myth of the Chemical Imbalance in Your Brain

The Myth of the Chemical Imbalance in Your Brain

Every year or two, one sees in the media somewhere headlines akin to this:

“Scientists on the verge of confirming brain chemical imbalance causing depression!”  

Or some such trite.  Or they will make the wording such that one thinks it is a done deal when, really, there never has been any confirmation or proof.  But by wording these headlines a certain way and making sure it comes from multiple sources, it becomes ‘TRUTH’ (but really nothing but an Urban Legend).

I’ll send you $100.00 if you send me hard evidence that there is scientific evidence of chemical imbalance causing depression.

Even the online magazine “Psychology Today” discounts the theory of Chemical Imbalance.

This quote from an article in the above magazine by Mark L Ruffalo:

Having practiced psychotherapy now for nearly a decade, I continue to be amazed by the number of patients who come in and claim to have a chemical imbalance in their brain. Not only is the chemical imbalance theory of mental disorder unsubstantiated by any empirical research, but it has also been widely and publicly refuted by a number of prominent psychiatrists, like Allen Frances and Ronald Pies above. In fact, I have found that the most militant proponents of the chemical imbalance idea to be nonpsychiatrists—like social workers and clinical psychologists—who cling to the theory as a way of validating their status as "health professionals.”

Psychology Today - Chemical Imbalance

My favourite line this article is this:

“The chemical imbalance theory offers something else, however, and that is the opportunity for the psychiatric patient to limit responsibility for his condition.”

If a person has some ‘condition’ that is ‘not their fault’, then it justifies all sorts of things.  Do drugs with impunity.  “I have a physical ailment that I have to take drugs for.”

Who promotes this sort of thing?  Who benefits from this?  This basic idea of “I’m not responsible.” allows people to be on drugs at the workplace costing a country like the US of A billions of wasted dollars. Between the money that goes into the pockets of Big Pharma and the inefficiency caused by so many people doing drugs, I think if the terrorists were smart, they would let American just destroy itself.  If these terrorists that the American government was so worried about would just finance broader application and use of drugs for depression and help finance marketing of the ‘Chemical Imbalance’  idea, then they(the terrorists) could just sit back and watch the country die.

Big Pharma is way more effective at destroying and terrorizing the USA than the Al Qaeda will ever be.

Posted by greymouser
Drug your Children!

Drug your Children!

Before you allow your children to be subjected to the dubious wonders of drugs like Ritalin, read this article by Dr. Breggin.  He outlines exactly what various drugs actually do to the brain.  It brings tears to my eyes every time I hear of some child's parent resorting to drugs to 'handle' any trouble they might be having.

Believe it or not, Doctors are paid big bucks to hand out these things and most of them have not done their own proper research as to side effects etc.

Psychiatric Drug Facts

Here is a short excerpt from the article:

"Antipsychotic drugs, including both older and newer ones, cause shrinkage (atrophy) of the brain in many human brain scan studies and in animal autopsy studies. The newer atypicals especially cause a well-documented metabolic syndrome including elevated blood sugar, diabetes, increased cholesterol, obesity and hypertension. They also produce dangerous cardiac arrhythmias and unexplained sudden death, and they significantly reduce longevity. In addition, they cause all the problems of the older drugs, such as Thorazine and Haldol, including tardive dyskinesia, a largely permanent and sometimes disabling and painful movement disorder caused by brain damage and biochemical disruptions.

Risperdal in particular but others as well cause potentially permanent breast enlargement in young boys and girls. The overall risk of harmful long-term effects from antipsychotic drugs exceeds the capacity of this review. Withdrawal from antipsychotic drugs can cause overwhelming emotional and neurological suffering, as well as psychosis in both children and adults, making complete cessation at times very difficult or impossible.

Despite their enormous risks, the newer antipsychotic drugs are now frequently used off-label to treat anything from anxiety and depression to insomnia and behavior problems in children. Two older antipsychotic drugs, Reglan and Compazine, are used for gastrointestinal problems, and despite small or short-term dosing, they too can cause problems, including tardive dyskinesia." (...more..)

Posted by greymouser in Advices