true hope

Depression and Environmental Toxins

Depression and Environmental Toxins

Years ago I read this book by Sydney Walker Jr.  Called 'A Dose Of Sanity'. Great book.  One of the basic ideas in the book was that he, as a doctor, could always find what physical problems the person was having that was causing the mental issues - IF given enough time.

He found patients with brain tumours to allergies that had, everyone, been prescribed mood altering drugs such as Prozac, Ritalin and Zoloft.  Once the 'physical' situation was resolved - no more drugs.

Some recently sent me this website about mould(mold) - a real hidden toxin.  Very difficult to get away from. Most of the time people don't even know it is there.

There is a lot more information on the website

Posted by greymouser in Depression, Solutions to Depression

Natural Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

“The story of Truehope began with one father’s desperate desire to save his children.”

The pharmaceutical industry would have you believe their drugs are the only cure for mankind’s mental ills. And when someone discovers a more effective way to help people without the harmful side effects of things like suicide and death then organizations such as Heath Canada deems it necessary to stop real help.

Please take some time to read through TrueHope’s website and do what you can to support their efforts to fight the good fight.

TrueHope and EMPowerplus

More great information in the Lethbridge Herald and True Hope’s battle with Health Canada.

Posted by greymouser in Articles on Abuses