No Such Thing As Chemical Imbalance!It has been proven hundreds of times over that there is no test for a chemical imbalance in the brain.  Every once in a while some article will suggest that scientists are on the cusp of discovering one to give some credibility but to date there is no such test.   Psychologist Bruce Levine, Ph.D., concurs: “Remember that no biochemical, neurological, or genetic markers have been found for attention deficit disorder, oppositional
The War On Drugs – Legal and IllegalThere is no question that there is a drug epidemic in North America.  Whether it be opioids, pharmaceuticals, marijuana or still one of the worst, alcohol. There is a law in the universe that you tend to get what you put your attention on.  Someone reading the newspapers, watching the news on TV and listening to it on the radio will generally only see bad things in the
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marijuana is a drug
Is Pot Production Good for the Environment?There is no limit to the lies that people tell about the benefits of marijuana.  One of those is how pot is so environmentally friendly.  I’ve taken this data straight from a website called Mother Jones.  They have referenced these statistics.   I’ve said numerous times, if you are going to smoke pot, drink alcohol or do other drugs, fine, do it but don’t tell me it is good
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marijuana is a drug
Marijuana Safe For Pregnant Women?Is Marijuana safe for pregnant women to use? Is Marijuana safe for breastfeeding women? (Is it safe for the babies?) If  you listen to the media and others that are pro pot or are marketing marijuana, you might be convinced that marijuana is a cure all.  Claims from curing cancer, headaches and a myriad of other ills.   Before going any further, I will define what we mean by a drug.
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marijuana is a drug
Synonyms for ‘Stoned’Wherever you look these days, in the media and other places, we are told that marijuana is a panacea, a cure all.  If you see a ‘pot booth’ at a trade show, the dudes there will gladly tell you that pot is completely safe for pregnant women.  Pretty irresponsible if you ask me.  There is not one iota of evidence to support this.  Years ago alcohol was considered completely safe for pregnant women. 
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