Big Pharma

Parents Rights

Many parents do not know their rights when it comes to their children being recommended psychiatric drugs.  The medical industry being part of Big Pharma has a lot of muscle to throw around and because most people are not well informed as to their rights when it comes to this area they can be convinced to do something that is not always in the best interests of their child.  The video at the end of the article linked below has a few requests that any parent is legally allowed to make.  Very sensible requests that could not logically be denied.  Even if you are one that does not believe that most of these drugs prescribed by doctors at the behest of Big Pharma will be harmful to your child, one should minimally follow through with the requests laid out in this video!  Who knows, maybe your child has an allergy or a brain tumor and an anti-depressant is being prescribed without a proper diagnosis.

Check out the video at this page: Is your Child Mentally Ill?

Posted by greymouser in Big Pharma

Teen Screening – Put your kids on drugs?

When my kids were growing up I wanted them to make decisions for themselves.  I was well aware that I could not always be there for them and at some point in life they would move out and be on their own.  At that point they would not have one of their parents telling them if they were doing something right or wrong or correcting them etc.  They had to learn judgement and to make their own mistakes.  As parents we helped them but we also wanted them to be ‘self’ determined.

Teen screening is a marketing campaign by the pharmaceutical industry.  Being a teenager is about learning and there can be some stress involved.  The stress of exams and peer pressure.  Learning that all relationships do not always work out.  The mind is an amazing thing and can work out pretty much any problem or situation if applied.  Taking a drug because one  is depressed or not feeling perfect is only going to dull the mind and make it less effective.

Here is a website with more information on Teen Screening:
It has some great information on the subject.

They are your children and you do not have to put them on drugs no matter what the school board or ‘system’ says.

Posted by greymouser in Big Pharma

Drugs and their side effects

The pharmaceutical industry has never been entirely forthcoming about the side effects of many drugs.  The result of this over the last several years is that they have been forced to list many of these on the bottles and their ads on television and radio are now known for their long lists of side effects at the end of each commercial.

There is now a website that has taken responsibility for making sure that this information is known:

Posted by greymouser in Big Pharma

See how the Big Pharma is getting around “Oversight”

Here is a great article on how Big Pharma is circumnavigating the rules regarding oversight of their industry.

“Deadly Medicine
Prescription drugs kill some 200,000 Americans every year. Will that number go up, now that most clinical trials are conducted overseas—on sick Russians, homeless Poles, and slum-dwelling Chinese—in places where regulation is virtually nonexistent, the F.D.A. doesn’t reach, and “mistakes” can end up in pauper’s graves? The authors investigate the globalization of the pharmaceutical industry, and the U.S. Government’s failure to rein in a lethal profit machine.”

Photo illustration by Chris Mueller

See the rest of the article here: Deadly Medicine

Posted by greymouser in Big Pharma

Abilify Side Effects

When you watch and listen to ads on television for pharmaceutical drugs, do you listen to the list of side effects or do you just shut them out?  If you are searching the Web and found this, then you are at least somewhat aware of how irresponsible the industry is for selling drugs to people with the potential side effect of death.  Government health organizations such as Health Canada and the FDA in the United States want to control natural products like vitamins and other natural supplements but take no responsibility for their actions in allowing dangerous drugs on the market like Abilify.


Posted by greymouser in Big Pharma